Things To Do Guide

A Taste of the Good Life

Street: 4599 Route 127
Province: NB
Phone Number: 15065293351
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
See, smell, touch and taste – it's a foodie's dream at this inn where you can choose fresh, organic vegetables alongside your chef. Work up an appetite with a walk up Chamcook Mountain to enjoy expansive views of the Fundy Isles. Return to enjoy a gourmet meal created with local, seasonal, organic and wild foods. Crispy salmon fresh from the Bay of Fundy, Chanterelle mushrooms found on the slopes behind the inn, hand-picked fiddleheads, or a fragrant, lavender-gingersnap cookie made with lavender fresh from the back garden may all find their way onto your plate. Fine wines, artisanal cheeses, fruit and nuts are also among the selections. After your meal, sip a nightcap and retire to your comfortable, elegantly furnished room.
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