Things To Do Guide

Aerial Adventure

Street: 811 St. George Blvd.
Province: NB
Phone Number: 18777074646
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
Appreciate nature from a different point of view. Get a bird’s-eye-view of the forest as you navigate from tree to tree in this outdoor challenge for the entire family. Accredited, bilingual guides ensure you're properly trained and perfectly safe while you enjoy the wild ride. You start slowly, getting used to your equipment, and soon you’re climbing, zipping and swinging through the course. Some challenges you take slowly; some you race through – each step is an adventure through the canopy course.  Any fitness level, age or experience is welcome. Take yourself to a new level with the satisfaction of meeting a unique physical challenge. What a way to experience beautiful nature in the heart of the city!
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