Things To Do Guide

Afternoon Vineyard Tour and Wine-Tasting

Street: 940 Route 495
Province: NB
Phone Number: 15065239056
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
Plan a perfect afternoon at Richibucto River Wine estate, touring and tasting, and you’ll quickly appreciate why their wines are award-winning, year after year. Your tour will begin with a leisurely stroll in the vineyard by the river. A member of the wine-making family will describe how their unique hybrid grapes are grown in New Brunswick and what keeps them growing and performing at their optimum level. An “insider” tour of the wine-making area will show the process from vine to bottle. This will be followed, of course, by a sampling of 5 wines with tasting tips and flavour profiles provided by your host.
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