Things To Do Guide

Alberton Museum & Genealogy Centre

Street: Box 515
City / Town / Village: Alberton
Province: PE
Postcode: C0B 1B0
Phone Number: 19028533190
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}

Alberton Museum is housed in the former town courthouse and jail erected in 1878, the only National Historic Site and Provincially Designated Historic Site west of Summerside. The museum's artifact collection depicts the range of activities carried out by PEI's early settlers. Featured displays include early fishing industry, military history, silver fox industry, house hauling, early pharmacy, cooper shop, cobbler shop, local historic crafts, housewares, local folk art, china, etc. The museum boasts the largest collection of historical photographs and most comprehensive compilation of genealogical information in the area.

Daily, 9:30 am-5:30 pm; Closed on Sundays. Admission by donation.

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