Things To Do Guide

Annapolis Highland Vineyards

Street: 2635 Clementsvale Rd
City / Town / Village: Bear River
Province: NS
Phone Number: 19024670363
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
Situated in the picturesque Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia, Annapolis Highland Vineyards is surrounded by rolling hills and lush forests. Established in 2008, AHV joined an already established group of people dedicated to putting Nova Scotia wines on the map.

We invite you to tour our winery and vineyards, and to visit our tasting bar where you can enjoy a glass of your favorite AHV wine, while experiencing the beauty of the Annapolis Valley to the fullest. 

We are honoured by the continued support of our community members and the many guests who visit us throughout the year, spreading word about our handcrafted wines. 

Customer satisfaction is at the core of our efforts to maintain Annapolis Highland Vineyards’ reputation as a destination winery.

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