Things To Do Guide

Ann's Tours

Street: 34A Fagans Road
City / Town / Village: Chamberlains
Phone Number: 17096820754
Alternative Phone Number: (709) 834 6666
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
Group or Personalized sightseeing tours. 2 hour, 3 hour, full day or a 3 day tour package. Various sights include but are not limited to The City of St. John's(the City of Legends), Signal Hill National Historic Park, Quidi Vidi (fishing village), Cape Spear (most easterly point of land), Petty Harbour (fishing village), Whale Watching and Puffin Tour (includes boat tour), Killick Coast-Marine Drive, Admirals' Coast.Cod Fishing (in season). Customized tours also available.
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