Things To Do Guide

Bannockburn Tours

City / Town / Village: Baddeck
Province: NS
Postcode: B0E 1B0
Phone Number: 19022953310
Fax Number: 902-295-3521
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
Bannockburn Tours offers discovery tours of Cape Breton Island. Our Cabot Trail Tour will introduce you to a new discovery around almost every turn – some of the most spectacular scenery you have ever witnessed, colourful artisan studios, encounters with wildlife, and much more. Or experience Cape Breton's rich Celtic culture with our Ceilidh Tour, guaranteed to deliver toe-tapping music, good friends and good times. We also arrange tours for golfers and visiting cruise ship passengers. All major credit cards and direct debit are accepted.
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