Things To Do Guide

Bay Enterprises

Street: 2642 Malagash Rd
City / Town / Village: Malagash
Province: NS
Postcode: B0K 1E0
Phone Number: 19022572690
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
“Sustainably grown and naturally delicious shellfish.”

Bay Enterprises Limited, founded in 1974, is owned by the Purdy family, who began growing oysters in Malagash, Nova Scotia, in 1867.  The Purdy family believes in the sustainable production of oysters and quahogs using traditional and modern methods that protect the ecology of the area and provide a safe, nutritious and delicious product.

Our Tatamagouche Bay and Malagash Oysters are available throughout Canada, internationally and at our store in Malagash.  

Visit us for the “U-Dig Quahogs” and the full “Oyster Learning Experience,” which involves learning about the past, present and future of the oyster industry and includes sampling fresh oysters.

U-Dig Quahogs: Cost $20/family of up to 5 persons; includes instruction and 2 dozen quahogs. Expect to get wet and muddy.
Oyster Learning Experience: Monday to Friday at 1:30 p.m.; cost $5/adult, $3/age 12 and under, preschoolers free.

Hours of operation: Monday–Friday 8am–5pm, Saturday 10am–4pm, Sunday closed.
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