Things To Do Guide

Be Part of the Story

Street: 57 Acadie St.
Province: NB
Phone Number: 18005619188
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
All five senses are fully engaged as you open a door to the joys of Acadian culture. Costumed guides welcome you to this magical world and help you prepare tasty treats. Using recipes passed down through generations you will make the famous pets-de-soeur, a traditional Acadian dessert. You’ll cluster around tables equipped with aprons, utensils and the fresh ingredients needed to make the sweet treats. Small children can help measure the flour and the older ones can roll the dough. Once the aromatic dessert is in the oven the kitchen party begins! The fiddler plays Acadian tunes while you join in on the spoons and learn about Acadian culture. Dessert is sampled after the “party”. The taste says it all in this delightful experience for the whole family.
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