Things To Do Guide

Bear with us

Street: 4120 Route 480
Province: NB
Phone Number: 15067752354
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
Join our safari in search of one of North America’s most common wild animals – the Black bear. There are few safe or easy places to meet these forest giants, but Little, Big Bear Safari takes you deep into their natural habitat. You’ll meet the 'Bear Man,' an experienced guide who engages with the bears, helps you interpret the sounds and calls the bears use to communicate and warn of possible danger. It's a chance to see these intriguing creatures in the wild, all from the safe vantage point of an observation tower 8 m (26 ft.) above ground. Children take home a bear-themed colouring book and you take home spectacular photos.
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