Things To Do Guide

Bearded Skipper's Deep-Sea Fishing

Street: RR2
Province: PE
Phone Number: 19023932819
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}

Located on the North Rustico Wharf, behind the Fisherman's Wharf Restaurant. Enjoy a unique Island experience, deep-sea fishing in the beautiful clean waters of the Gulf of St. Lawrence on board the 45-ft. Just Crackin' 07, with Capt. Carl Gallant and first-mate Brandon. Trips last three hours. Rods and reels, bait and rain gear supplied. Catch cleaned, filleted and bagged. Group and charter rates available.

Daily departures: 8:30 am, 1:15 pm and 5:30 pm.
Deep-sea $40 adults; $30 children 12 years and under.
Bluefin tuna charters also available.

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