Things To Do Guide

Beaubears’ Big Canoe Adventure

Street: 35 St. Patrick's Dr.
Province: NB
Phone Number: 15066228526
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
A Voyageur canoe awaits as you prepare for a guided paddle to Beaubears Island and Wilson’s Point just as the original settlers would have done centuries ago. As your group paddles along in the canoe, your guides provide interpretation and share some of the rich history, energy and spirit of these two historic sites. As the canoe inches closer to the riverbank you realize this traditional means of transportation is a significant link between past and present. Once on Beaubears Island, you explore an undisturbed archaeological site associated with 19th century wooden shipbuilding and learn about the importance of the Acadians to the region. As you refresh with a light snack you marvel at what you’ve learned while walking in the steps of our ancestors.
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