Things To Do Guide

Blue Diamond Tours

City / Town / Village: Halifax
Province: NS
Postcode: B3M 4J5
Phone Number: 19024446883
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}

For more than 20 years, Blue Diamond Tours has offered individuals and small groups, private, customized tours of Nova Scotia.  Each tour is developed just for you, based on your interests and our experience.

Whatever your time frame, interest and activity level is, we can develop a tour which is unique to you. Our escorted tours can be short excursions through historic Halifax and the surrounding area, to longer journeys throughout the Province.

Not only can you see Nova Scotia but you can experience it through numerous activities such as: Clam digging, hiking, hands-on museums, whale watching to ‘riding’ on the famous tidal bore.  Our custom tours incorporate all Nova Scotia has to offer: wilderness, heritage, beauty and character!  Let us share the passion we have for our Province with you. 

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