Things To Do Guide

Bluenose II

Street: 121 Bluenose Dr
City / Town / Village: Lunenburg
Province: NS
Phone Number: 19026348483
Fax Number: 902-634-8052
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
In 1963, a replica of Bluenose was built in Lunenburg using the original Bluenose plans and named Bluenose II. Built for the Olands Brewery as a promotional yacht, the replica was later acquired by the province of Nova Scotia as a sailing ambassador and continues to sail every summer based out of Lunenburg. During the summer, she visits ports all around Nova Scotia and frequently sails to other ports on the eastern seaboard. In honour of her predecessor, Bluenose II does not officially race.
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