Things To Do Guide

Brackley Drive-In Theatre

Street: 3164 Brackley Point Road
City / Town / Village: Brackley Beach
Province: PE
Postcode: C1E 2N7
Phone Number: 19026723333
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}

16 km north of Charlottetown Airport. "Where families can afford to have fun." At dusk, enjoy two first-run movies in one of the most unique drive-in theatres in Canada. Full-service canteen with hot dogs, cheeseburgers, fries, onion rings, fresh popcorn, mozza sticks and lots more!!! Whether it's carefree family time, just the two of you or all your friends, you can relax and enjoy the show. Don't forget your favorite blanket and pillow, or lawn chair to sit outside. The Brackley Drive-In allows you to enjoy the stars under the stars. It's more than a movie, it's a memory.

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