Things To Do Guide

Charles Macdonald Concrete House Museum

Street: 19 Saxon St
City / Town / Village: Centreville
Province: NS
Phone Number: 19026783177
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
The Charles Macdonald Concrete House Museum is located in Centreville (on the road to Hall’s Harbour, north of Kentville) in the Fundy Shore and Annapolis Valley region. Known as “the concrete house with the deer statues”, this artful property is surrounded by a garden full of original concrete sculptures of deer, mushrooms, and other garden figures. When you step inside the house, it is essentially as it was built, with every surface lovingly decorated in painted relief sculpture, paintings and exhibits. From mantle to newel post, chimney to dovecote, the impression is of a magical cottage!
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