Things To Do Guide

Chester Boat Tours

Contact Name: Jim Barkhouse
Street: 233 Pig Loop Rd
City / Town / Village: Chester
Province: NS
Postcode: B0J 1J0
Phone Number: 19022752030
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
Enjoy a narrated history of Chester as we tour the harbour. Enjoy the scenic landscape, houses, islands, wildlife, fishing and one of a kind photographic opportunities.

A harbour tour begins with a view and story of 'T'Other End ' a Boston kit house built circa 1770, the Blockhouse and the Turn Coat Victory story, how the women saved Chester, details of the history of the islands/coves, boat yards about the town, who the past and present owners of notable properties. History of many classic wooden boats and the collection of many yachts and yacht races if the timing is right.

If you would like to see seals we travel to Sheep's Ledge where there are on average 25/30 seals, maybe an Osprey or an Eagle on Apple Island, a view of porpoise/whale as they search for food and any other life at sea that may surface and provide a photographic moment. An opportunity to visit the famous Oak Island, and many other islands from the water and give a brief comment on the activities that have occurred since 1759!

Fishing is also a great activity during the season.

Pick up from your cottage, or taxi to Tancook Islands is available, as well as Custom Tours.
  • Birding
  • Fishing
  • Sightseeing