Things To Do Guide

Cruisin’ with the Whales & Wildlife

Street: 205 Water St. (Market Wharf)
Province: NB
Phone Number: 18882529111
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
Explore the Bay of Fundy tides aboard our custom-built cruiser, the 13.41-m (44 ft.) M/V Island Quest. Enjoy comfort and speed along with the experience of our local captain, whose lifetime on the bay makes for a unique and authentic adventure! Cruise past scenic lighthouses, herring weirs and aquaculture sites on the way to the whales’ playground. Knowledgeable marine biologists provide interpretation while you spot humpback, finback, minke and North Atlantic right whales, along with seals, porpoises and eagles. Discover the sea creatures in our onboard touch tank, feel samples of whale baleen and indulge in a seafood snack and refreshment on the way back from your ultimate adventure!
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