Things To Do Guide

Enjoy, Relax, Explore

Street: 48 King St.
Province: NB
Phone Number: 15065293818
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
As a guest of Europa Inn, you can enjoy all of the amenities of a modern hotel with the charm of a boutique inn. Located conveniently in a central location in downtown St. Andrews by-the-Sea, Europa Inn is close to fine shops and local attractions and is just a stone’s throw from the beautiful waterfront. Enjoy a unique-to-you five-course dining experience featuring local and organic Bay of Fundy products, prepared with a contemporary twist by Master German Chef Markus Ritter. As you dine you’re provided with interpretation of each mouth-watering course. Original artwork by Chef Markus’ wife, award-winning artist Simone Ritter, adorns the walls of the elegant dining room and adds to the charm of this local experience.
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