Things To Do Guide

Experience PEI

Province: PE
Phone Number: 18443681670
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}

Experience PEI provides visitors with the opportunity to participate in hands-on experiences by interacting with interesting, knowledgeable Islanders. If you love seafood, come with us as we take you clam digging or oyster tonging. Learn all about lobster while helping a fisherman haul traps and then dining on board. Try your hand at sand sculpting or cooking with a chef. Go on a GPS Adventure Quest or help train a falcon. Make fused glass, own a racehorse for an evening, learn to sail, carve a candle or take photography and painting lessons. We offer the Island's widest range of unique experiential activities and can customize for larger groups. Let us help make your Island visit a truly memorable experience.

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