Things To Do Guide

Firefighters' Museum of Nova Scotia

Contact Name: David Darby
Street: 451 Main St
City / Town / Village: Yarmouth
Province: NS
Phone Number: 19027425525
Fax Number: 902-742-5525
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
Imagine the clang of the fire bell, the smell of smoke and the feel of hot steam as firefighters of the past raced to save burning homes in Yarmouth and communities across Nova Scotia.  Visit the Firefighters’ Museum of Nova Scotia in Yarmouth and see the types of fire engines used in Nova Scotia from the 1800s to the 1930s. Marvel at antique hand-drawn operated engines such as Canada’s oldest horse-drawn steam engine, an 1863 Amoskeag Steamer. Take the wheel of a 1935 Chev Bickle pumper as you discover the history of firefighting in our province. The museum also features a collection of antique toy fire engines, uniforms; as well as a collection of shoulder crests, patches and badges from fire departments around the world. Bus tours are welcome.
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