Things To Do Guide

Fish the Private Pools

Street: 601 Route 118
Province: NB
Phone Number: 18773594665
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
A quiet afternoon on one of the world’s most renowned salmon rivers, the Miramichi, hums with the sound of wildlife and the soft lapping of waves against your canoe. There is a ‘zen’ quality to the moment as you cast a line and wait for a salmon to bite. You've had a busy day - this is the fourth and final of the private fishing pools you’ll visit. While you fish, your guide tells stories and coaches you on how to select a fly and cast your line. The riverside lunch is delicious, and your mouth is watering at the thought of the salmon being prepared for your dinner. After your day of fishing, your hosts greet you and help unpack the canoe before heading back to the lodge for pre-dinner relaxation.
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