Things To Do Guide

Follow the Steps of Charlotte Taylor

Street: 4490 Route 11
Province: NB
Phone Number: 15067791918
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
Step back in time with the famed ‘Mother of Tabusintac’, Charlotte Taylor, one of the first English settlers of the Tabusintac area and heroine of the bestselling novel “The Nine Lives of Charlotte Taylor,” written by Canadian journalist and author Sally Armstrong. View video readings by Ms. Armstrong as she shares some of her personal insights of the book, then use a tour map to visit the historic sites that were once inhabited by Charlotte in the 1800s. You will have a chance to visit her actual homestead, where descendants of Charlotte’s are still living today. You will also visit the Stymiests Mill Brook, the same stream that locals used to transport Charlotte’s body to its final resting place, where her original grave marker and monument still stands to this day.
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