Things To Do Guide

Guiding Lights of Isle Madame

Street: Lennox Passage Provincial Park
City / Town / Village: Martinique
Province: NS
Phone Number: 19022262440
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
Nova Scotia is home to the largest number of lighthouses in Canada, but none are more historic or picturesque than those of Isle Madame. This guided driving and walking tour shines a light on our history and geography. Ramble along coastal trails to lighthouses past and present; hear stories of the lightkeepers, shipwrecks, and John Paul Jones' visit to Arichat.

Tours are operated in support of the Isle Madame Lighthouse Preservation Society.
Website: Website Title
  • Limited Accessibility
  • Sightseeing