Things To Do Guide

Hedderson's Fish Market

Street: 217 Main Street
City / Town / Village: St. Lunaire
Phone Number: 18776232548
Fax Number: +1 (709) 623 2555
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
A wide selection of seafood, Northern Shrimp, Lobster, Snow Crab, Scallop, Mussels, Cod, Halibut, and also local delicacies such as Cod Tongues, Britches (Cod Row), cheeks. During the height of the fishing season customers will be able to buy a whole Codfish and follow along in a fish filleting demonstration. A Live Lobster tank in operation and a small touch tank for those traveling with a younger group can have the opportunity to see many of the species that live in these coastal waters