Things To Do Guide

Live the Life of a Lobster Fisher

Street: 504 Parc de Val-Comeau Rd.
Province: NB
Phone Number: 18553937150
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
Now you don’t have to imagine what the life of a lobster fisher is like. You’ll live it once you step on board a traditional fishing boat at the campground wharf. All the techniques of the fishers will be revealed by your captain. You’ll find out how the lobster is trapped, hauled in and prepared for the return trip. On shore, a feast of flavourful lobster is yours to enjoy. You’ll see how they are prepared and cooked to succulent perfection in an authentic outdoor cauldron. And don’t be afraid to let some juice run down your chin when you dig into seafood that’s as fresh as the ocean breeze!
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