Things To Do Guide

Lunenburg County Winery

Street: 813 Walburne Rd
City / Town / Village: Newburne
Province: NS
Phone Number: 19026442415
Fax Number: 902-644-3614
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
The winery sits on a drumlin surrounded by Acadian forest and a multitude of lakes in the community of Newburne, nestled along the north branch of the LaHave River. Located at Hackmatack Farm, a commercial highbush blueberry farm, the winery produces 26 different 100% Nova Scotia-grown fruit wines!

Come take a pleasant drive into the country and visit us to taste wine, pick berries, picnic and tour the winery. A selection of our wines is available at NSLC stores throughout the province.
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