Things To Do Guide

Mackerel Mania

Street: 19 Du Havre St.
Province: NB
Phone Number: 18777831755
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
Master Captain Charles’ sure-fire mackerel catching techniques! Meet him at the wharf, then board the 24-passenger boat that takes you to the fishing grounds. As you get farther out to sea, you can enjoy the scenery of Chaleur Bay before picking up a rod. You don’t even need special equipment to experience the thrill of a catch – one of the Captain’s regular fishing lines is all it takes! As you fish, Captain Charles will make your mouth water when he describes the delectable combination of star-quality flavour and meltingly tender texture that the mackerel delivers, thanks to its abundance of healthy oils. He shows you how to prepare mackerel filets for cooking, "New Brunswick style," because you’re taking the catch home with you for dinner. Bon appétit!
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