Things To Do Guide

Molly Kool Kitchen Party

Street: 8642 Route 114
Province: NB
Phone Number: 15068876000
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
Molly Kool’s lively spirit is celebrated at her childhood home, beautifully restored and located at the entrance to our park. Join us there for a 1930’s kitchen party where laughter, music and community happenings are brought to life. Skits featuring a lumberjack, fisherman and local politician will bring you up to date on the “goings-on”. Don’t think you are going to just stand there and watch though… you’ll immediately become part of the family and you’re encouraged to square dance, sing along, cheer, even play music if you’re so inclined. You’ll leave with a great sense of what life was really like in the community that inspired a young Molly to launch out and become North America’s first female sea captain.
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