Things To Do Guide

Natural Awakening

Street: 65 Du Ruisseau St.
Province: NB
Phone Number: 15063443223
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
Experience the wonder of nature, using all of your senses, on this guided tour of the 5 unique ecosystems found on the Acadian Peninsula. Begin inside the Interpretation Centre with a cup of Labrador Tea, made from plants found on the trails. Our naturalist guide will introduce the flora, fauna and wildlife you are about to see and once you’re equipped with binoculars, you make your way outside on the trail. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to touch the fish, smell the flowers and sample indigenous fruit. Listen to short stories, old legends and tales about what you see on the trail. You’ll leave with your senses awakened and the knowledge that you’ve discovered a place of unspoiled beauty.
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