Things To Do Guide

Scotia Bluefin Tuna Charters

Street: Hwy 337
City / Town / Village: Cribbons Point
Province: NS
Phone Number: 19027070128
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
Scotia Bluefin Tuna Charters offers exciting Bluefin Tuna Adventures in the Northumberland Strait and Southern Gulf of St Lawrence aboard the F/V Angela Marie. Our boat, the Angela Marie, was built by Dixon's Marine and is a Transport Canada compliant vessel.  It is 45' long and 17' wide and is fully equipped to meet all your fishing and comfort needs.
Captain Ray MacGillivray and the crew of the Angela Marie are seasoned Bluefin Tuna fishermen. Over the past 30 years, Ray has fished for Bluefin tuna all over Nova Scotia. He has fished from Shelburne, Halifax, Canso, Port Hood, Antigonish and everywhere in between. Recently, Captain Ray MacGillivray of Scotia Bluefin Tuna Charters received an acknowledgement from a member of the Canadian House of Commons for his achievements in business and his commitment to the community of Antigonish.


Scotia Bluefin Tuna Charters is located at Cribbons Point Marina in the small fishing community of Cribbons Point on the shores of St. George’s Bay located roughly 15 kilometres from the town of Antigonish in the Northumberland Shore region.

Bluefin Tuna Charters

Captain Ray of Scotia Bluefin Tuna Charters offers exciting private bluefin tuna charter excursions once daily from August 1 to mid-October. These charters include a light lunch and all of the equipment and gear necessary for catching giant bluefin tuna. 

These fish can be enormous and frequently weigh in around 1,000 lbs. In fact, the IGFA world record bluefin tuna, weighing in at 1,496 lbs, was caught in the waters off Northern Nova Scotia.
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