Things To Do Guide

Sensational Sandcastles

Street: 91 Heron Dr.
City / Town / Village: Stratford
Province: PE
Postcode: C1B 2B8
Phone Number: 18443681670
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}

Rekindle the great memories of your childhood or create new memories for your children and grandchildren by learning how to sculpt a magical sandcastle on a beautiful Island beach. Maurice Bernard is one of the Island's leading artists and sand sculptor. His simple methods will have you sculpting beautiful castles in just a couple of hours.

Half-day Experience: $60 per person(2-3); $45 per person(4-6); $35 per person(7-10). All prices subject to HST. Two-person minimum, 10 maximum.

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