Things To Do Guide

“Still Fishing” – A Documentary of Escuminac’s Seafaring History

Street: 193 Hardwicke Rd.
Province: NB
Phone Number: 15062284223
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
Many fishing communities along the eastern seaboard have a history of loss and memorials erected for fishermen lost at sea. None will move you as much, as watching this documentary about the Escuminac Disaster where 35 fishermen were lost at sea in 1959. Rare interviews with survivors and families create a compelling documentary and viewing it at the historic church overlooking Miramichi Bay, where the victims are honoured each year, makes it even more captivating. You will also have the opportunity to visit nearby fishermen’s sheds and chat about fishing in the area. You’ll leave knowing that you’ve done a deep dive into the culture of the region and with a deep appreciation of part of New Brunswick’s history.