Things To Do Guide

Tea with Eleanor

Street: 459 Route 774
Province: NB
Phone Number: 877-85 6663
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
When the Roosevelts weren’t in the United States, they would often vacation in New Brunswick at their summer retreat. Experience an enlightening hour sipping tea with cookies in one of the on-site cottages just like the Roosevelts many years ago. Expert park guides share their stories about Eleanor: her early years, an inside look at her life on Campobello Island before and after the death of her spouse, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and her exceptional accomplishments. In the cottage tea rooms you can view an exhibit of historical photos and artifacts including a selection of Eleanor’s My Day newspaper columns. What a way to experience the history of one of America’s most beloved first families of the 20th century.
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