Things To Do Guide

Tusket Island Tours

Street: 142 Jacquard Rd
City / Town / Village: Wedgeport
Province: NS
Postcode: B0W 2B0
Phone Number: 19027402295
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
The Tusket Islands lie south west of mainland Wedgeport, Nova Scotia. They are only accessible via boat (a causeway to Big Tusket Island was once proposed but never constructed). The Tusket Islands are full of history on subjects ranging from lobster and tuna fishing, murders, World War 2 spies, drug trafficking, shipwrecks, disasters, treasure, summertime parties and much more.

We depart on the LeBlanc boys’ fishing boat where you will enter a historical adventure through the islands full of rich culture and history. You will learn how to haul a real lobster trap and see the process that an actual lobster fisherman would go through on a day to day basis. You will then stop on Big Tusket Island at the private floating dock of the LeBlanc brothers (All docks have ramps, there are no ladders involved). On Big Tusket Island you will visit the LeBlanc’s own private fishing shanty and workshops. You will be served fresh local seafood chowder, cooked that morning by the captain from a traditional recipe passed on to the boys through the generations. After being filled with delicious seafood you can enjoy live entertainment on the one hour sail back to the Wedgeport dock.
Website: Website Title
  • Limited Accessibility
  • Fishing
  • Sailing
  • Sightseeing