Things To Do Guide

Uniacke Estate Museum Park

Contact Name: Winfried Viebahn
Street: 758 Hwy 1
City / Town / Village: Mount Uniacke
Province: NS
Phone Number: 19028660032
Fax Number: 902-866-2450
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
Turn along the treed roadway at Uniacke Estate Museum Park and feel like you’re traveling a direct route to the 1800s! Arrive at an elegant home overlooking Lake Martha, once known as a prominent place on one of only two “great roads” in Nova Scotia.Here, Richard John Uniacke, a prosperous Irish politician, built his country mansion in 1816. One of the grandest houses in Nova Scotia, it became a favorite home for seven generations of his large family.Inside, find a rare survival of one family’s treasured possessions. See fine, labeled London furniture and exquisite portraits at home in this house for hundreds of years. Outside, explore the English country landscape, do some birdwatching and stroll or hike along eight modern walking trails.
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