Things To Do Guide

Whale Interpretive Centre

Street: 104 Harbour Rd
City / Town / Village: Pleasant Bay
Province: NS
Phone Number: 19022241411
Fax Number: 902-224-1411
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
The Whale Interpretive Centre in Pleasant Bay on Cape Breton Island promotes and preserves an awareness of whales and marine life by creating a unique and stimulating experience for our visitors. The Interpretive Centre provides various exhibits and interactive media presentations, including scale illustrations of 16 whale species that may be sighted in the waters off Cape Breton Island. Visitors can see a life-size model of a pilot whale suspended above a saltwater livestock tank which contains live creatures found in the whale’s environment. Tours are provided throughout the day. Bus tours are welcome. Other features include a gift shop, Internet access, picnic area and parking. MasterCard, Visa and Direct Debit are accepted.
  • Parking