Search for Whales by Zodiac

New Brunswick

Search for Whales by Zodiac

Experience the awe of being in the presence of some of the largest mammals on earth. Visit whale feeding grounds to see Minke, Finback or Humpback whales surfacing close to the 25-foot Zodiac Hurricane, steered by experienced Captain Greg Hannan. Your flotation suit keeps you safe and dry while you and 12 others ride out to the grounds. On your way you see porpoises, seals, and bald eagles as you enjoy the rugged beauty of the West Isles. This adventure offers the rare opportunity to see these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. Celebrate our 21st anniversary over refreshments at the Whale Loft once you're returned to port.

Opening Hours:

16 King St.

NB -

Contact Data:

Phone Number: 15065294481

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