Gilberts Cove Lighthouse, dubbed the “Greatest Little Lighthouse in Canada”, located a short hop from Digby is...
Unlike any lighthouse I have visited so far, Cape Forchu Lightstation is a brightly colored white and red striped concrete column pushing into the sky.
Another of PEI’s open lighthouses that has been restored with an excellent museum, gift shop and a climb to the lantern room with a...
When the fathers of confederation gathered in Charlottetown to first talk about confederation in 1864, the Point Prim Lighthouse had already been...
Another one of PEI’s charming lighthouse (there are 63 on the island, some active and some private). And like all the lighthouses that attract visitors...
Didn’t get to stay long at the Park as the day was getting late, but we certainly want to go back and walk the wooden boardwalk that protects...