Six North Fishing Lodge

Six North Fishing Lodge

Brook trout of 3 to 8 pounds and Northern pike to 20 or more pounds are not uncommon in this watershed! Lac Mercier is located at the headwaters of the Kenamu River and is home to Labrador's famous Giant Brook Trout. Fishing can be by boat or wading miles of pristine river. Packages are 3-4 or 7 day trips and are complimented by our friendly 2 on 1 guide services and home cooked meals. We provide charter services to or from the lodge, included in the price.

Opening Hours:

Lac Mercier
Lac Mercier

Contact Data:

Phone Number: 17098961586
Fax Number: +1 (709) 896 2052

Rating Summary:
0 based on 0 votes

Located in: Outfitters