Here we are in July and I should be shot for being late getting News out for April and May & June so needless to say this will be July’s newsletter. So much has been going on in our lives.
April and May were Particularly busy months. It was like one month ran into the other and boom here we are in July.
OK The big news is that through the month of May the Android App was completed and put on the Google play store under Explore Atlantic Canada. YES, it is free too. Get it at the google play store or click on the Google Play button at the bottom of this website.
NEARBY places can be found easily on the new APP by hitting the Select Province button and then NEARBY Places at the bottom. It is set at a 30km radius which you can adjust. Everything comes up on a map.
Karen and I have been crazy busy updating the blogs and working on website configuration.
Karen has also been making soundtracks of her reading the blogs and getting them in place so you can listen instead of reading the blogs.
Because of Covid-19 we sent a communication letter to the Accommodations people to see who is still with us. We have some preliminary results back but not conclusive as some are waiting to see what the rest of the year will bring. Those that reported being closed for good have been removed from the accommodations list. On the other hand, the mail out got a lot of people back in fixing their listings up.
Now that we have the Atlantic bubble it looks like we may get some camping in after all.
Unfortunately our first trip is to PEI to take Sadie in for an operation on her back leg again
See you all out there.