We hope you enjoy the speed as much as we do. I was tired of trying to find "Things To Do" and "Accommodations" as well as "Restaurants" on our old maps because you had to search for the area you were in.
We have taken care of that with the new "Nearby Places" tool. Its easy to use but I noticed one Problem with it! It is not fool proof. The Problem is you may be looking for something that does not exist on our Website, and that is a shame! BUT You can fix that problem when you do find the place you are looking for. All you have to do is "Just tell them about us". Show them the map on your cellphone and tell them they can be on there too. Its free to put your listing here. Besides the more listings we have the more places we can visit and we do love to visit.Now it's time to move forward with some things we have been neglecting. Karen has been working hard over the winter writing her blogs. I will be adding them shortly over the next couple of months.
The Website may be done to this point BUT there is a lot more to come. Watch For IT!
Because of COVIT-19 no one should be traveling at this time. We want everyone to be safe and following the recommendations of the medical and government officials. Hopefully it will all get cleared up in a hurry and we can get back to what we love in life... EXPLORING ATLANTIC CANADA